About Us


Actions for Climate Transformation with Nature Observation and Wellbeing in Kenya Community Based Organization (ACTNOW KENYA COMMUNITY BASED ORGANIZATION) is a Youth-led grassroots organization that strives to ensure a just transition and coexistence between indigenous communities and their natural ecosystems in the ever changing climatic conditions. Founded in 2022, ACTNOW brings together 9 young professional graduates with a single mission; To address climate change and champion environmental conservation in their communities and within major towns in Laikipia County, Northern Kenya. Our passion is about helping marginalized communities adapt to climate change and use existing Local Ecological Knowledge to solve biodiversity loss that perpetuate inequities, poverty, livelihood loss and prevent indigenous communities from having access to opportunities they need to thrive healthily through knowledge sharing and advocacy programs.


“Educate, Conserve, Transform"

To ensure the realization of our core objectives and long term goals, our organization's is guided by the following principles;

o   Educating the public

We understand the information gaps in local conservation and climate change adaptation and strong believe in the capacity of education and awareness generation to communities to adjust sustainably to growing global issues such as environmental degradation, climate change, inequalities, poverty and social inclusion.

o   Conserving Natural Resources

Growing concerns in species extinction provides urgent call to action for conservation. Educating communities on sustainable practices provides an effective channel for long lasting restoration of degraded ecosystems, just benefit sharing, recognition of Indigenous Rights, empowerment of local governance, sustainable resource use, cultural preservation and climate change resilience

o   Driving Transformative Change

Empowered communities, respect and preservation of indigenous cultures, recovery & protection of natural ecosystems will result in longstanding social, economic, and environmental impacts, health and well-being of wildlife and bird diversity, gender inclusive conservation programs, combined land rights and resource management, access to climate justice and peaceful resources sharing among different communities.


Core Principles


We build trust through transparent and honest relationships


Ideas that can translate into impactful solutions for our key beneficiaries


We value everyone and treat people with dignity and respect.


We observe economic, social and environmental wellbeing.

Team Work

We achieve more when we collaborate and work together


We fully welcome, support, and value participation of all in our work.